Friday, November 25, 2011

Just a tad bit frustrated.

Lost another litter today to a first-time mom. I'm so frustrated right now because although I have lost litter's in the past when I worked with Cinnamon's and other breeds I had  lost maybe two in the two years that I worked with them. I really need to sit down and re-evaluate how to get litter's that stay alive. Maybe it's because these are first time mommy's? Maybe I am just doing something wrong? I don't know, so far I have only had one live litter of two kit's, but that was with an experienced mom, and she did everything right, from pulling ton's of hair, to making her nest in the actual nestbox.

Both my first time mom's did not pull that much hair, nor did they even attempt to build their nest in the nest-box which is the core issue of why I am losing babies right now. My husband is going to be building different nest-boxes out of wood. Put a more Cave feeling to them, perhaps the moms will feel more comfortable having their babies in them.

I have three more litter's to go, one experienced mom, one new mom, and I re-bred lime for hopefully a live litter. I think i may just wait till spring to re breed Lacey, she's still young.

I know I can't get frustrated, it's going to happen, and it may happen many times before things start working right. My Doe's health's come first, they are not just breeding machines to me, they are like children to me and I do love them.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there Jennifer!! It will get better belive me! :)
