Saturday, October 22, 2011

A Wonderful Fall Day.

Spent a lovely and very sunny fall Saturday cleaning up the barn, and rearranging things. Since I lost my voice, and had spent most of the day sleeping on and off. I found some quality time with the rabbits, helped clear my head.

Alex's Kit's are doing good, have full belly's, and are very warm. Alex really is a great momma. Still going to bring them in at night, just until they get their fur in.

Everyone Else is doing good, Strawberry is turning out real nice, and I can't wait to get her to more show's and see how she really dose with some good competition.

The boy's are being boy's, Koda's really chewing up his cage, so I cannot wait to get him into a all wire cage. All the other boy's are behaving. Worked with Penguin, I think he will do well at his first show. Now that I can't go up north. I just may try to make it to the Lansing show, but I'm not 100% sure yet.
Other then that nothing much to report, but I took some pictures of everyone today to share.

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